To self-publish or not to self-publish…

downloadTraditional Publishing? Self-publishing? Which way to turn?

This is a topic that has been occupying my mind for a few years, but it was only last year that I decided on the right course for me… If you are still grappling with this one, there are some great articles about… Here’s a recent one from Claire Cook:

And there are many on Joanna Penn’s wonderful blog for writers:

So what did I decide? I’ll start with a bit of background…

For all the years I’d been dreaming of becoming an author, I’d been assuming that I wouldn’t be satisfied unless I was published by a bona fide publishing company with a wide distribution. The whole idea of a ‘vanity press’ made me shudder – how could I claim to be a true author if I had to pay someone to print my books? And who would want them?

BUT the tides they have been achanging, and there are quite a few conversations and insights out there which talk about the advantages of becoming an independent author and using some of the relatively new (and very cheap) platforms for e-publishing via Amazon et al.

And I am now officially a convert – I have seen some of the figures. You may not reach the same number of readers that you would with conventional publishing companies, but you should be able to get a much larger slab of the takings and you get to retain the rights so you can issue your book in other formats whenever you want.

And best of all for those of us new to the world of writing and publishing, it is relatively affordable and you don’t have to face 100’s of rejections. You certainly will still need to get your work professionally edited and ensure it is something you can be proud of, but you don’t need to be weighed down by the years of plodding through the mire of trying to get noticed by conventional publishers (which seems to be a bit of a lottery by some accounts). So that’s worth thinking about.

There can also be quite a bit of flexibility with the self-publishing route. If the e-Book starts to do OK, you could consider printing out hard-copies (one at a time or in small runs), and even sell them through distributors so you don’t have to handle the hassles of postage yourself. Things are looking up.

I am very grateful to the many wonderful people who have shared their experiences in the world of writing and publishing, as they have helped me to realise that my preconceptions were stuck in the past and it is time to think about the new opportunities we have.

If you think self-publishing might be the way to go, here’s another great article

9 thoughts on “To self-publish or not to self-publish…

  1. I hope you don’t mind if I reblog this because it is something I’ve been chatting with other bloggers about lately, and I just reblogged something from another author who wrote about it yesterday.

    What I keep saying is the question is basically this – “Should I win the lottery or should I earn some money on my own?”

    Well – if you can do it, then YES, by all means, you should totally win the lottery. But you can’t plan to win the lottery and similarly you can’t plan to obtain a highly coveted book publishing contract. You can work hard towards it. You can put in the time and effort to polish your work and query letters to make your stuff less likely to be ignored by agents and publishers. However, plenty of great writers have found difficulty getting their work out through the traditional route.

    So, try for it. But if it doesn’t work out and yet you still believe in your words, then go for self-publishing.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m self published and I’ve been a convert ever since I did it. I’ve nothing against trad publishing, but going indie suits the way I feel about the whole adventure much better. I like retaining the rights and not wasting time on writing sales letters to publishers – loads of good authors do this and don’t get noticed for years if at all.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m a convert too. The publishing landscape has changed rapidly in the last 5 years. Old attitudes have no validity and self-publishing has a growing credibility as more and more really good books are self-published. As one presenter claimed on a digital publishing seminar I recently attended, ‘self-publishing is part of publishing’.

    Liked by 1 person

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